This page showcases available planetary data software and tools. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as new resources are developed or decommissioned.
If a resource meets the criteria for listing (see below), please contact Being listed on this site does not imply an endorsement by NASA or the U.S. Government.
Software and Tools
Title | Description | |
Quickmap - Lunar | The Lunar Quickmap is a web-based mapping and analysis tool for the Moon. | |
Quickmap - Mercury | Quickmap is a web-based mapping and analysis tool, with a specific instance created for Mercury. | |
RELAB Modified Gaussian Model | The Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) Modified Gaussian Model (MGM) is a computer code for resolving spectra into their constituent absorption bands. | |
Small Bodies Python | Small Bodies Python (SBPY) is an Astropy affiliated package for small body planetary astronomy. It supplements functionality provided by Astropy with functions and methods that are frequently used in planetary astronomy, with a focus on asteroids and comets. | |
Small Body Mapping Tool | Developed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, the Small Body Mapping Tool (SBMT) allows users to search for data and project it onto small body shape models, which can be visualized and manipulated in three dimensions. | |
Solar System Treks | NASA’s Solar System Treks are online, browser-based portals that allow you to visualize, explore, and analyze the surfaces of other worlds using real data returned from a growing fleet of spacecraft. | |
SpiceyPy | SpiceyPy is a python wrapper for the SPICE (Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, C-matrix, Events) Toolkit provided by NASA's Planetary Data System Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF). | |
TiTiler | TiTiler is a set of open-source Python modules for creating map tiles from Cloud-Optimized GeoTiff files. | |
Video Image Communication And Retrieval | Developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, VICAR (Video Image Communication And Retrieval) is a general purpose image processing software system for digitally processing multi-dimensional imaging data. | |
WebGeocalc | The WebGeocalc (WGC) tool provides a web-based graphical user interface to many of the observation geometry computations available from NASA’s SPICE (Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, C-matrix, Events) system. | |
Criteria for Listing
Software and tools are considered for listing on this website based on the following criteria:
- Funded by the NASA Planetary Science Division, or funded by another division within the NASA Science Mission Directorate and significantly useful to planetary scientists.
- Software and tools that are not NASA-funded may be included if deemed significantly scientifically useful and available at no cost.
- Resource is publicly available.
- Software is mature in development, as demonstrated by a large user base or a release version number of 1.0 or greater.
- Desired criteria include:
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is provided so this resource can be cited and the author given proper credit.
- Software (and data, if relevant) license is clearly indicated.
- Documentation regarding the functionality of the software, installation requirements, how to site the software, and user guide is available.
- Code of Conduct and guidelines for how to make contributions are included. This may include a note that the project is not currently accepting contributions. This may also include what users can expect when asking questions and requesting support for the software project.
- Contact information is provided for questions or support.
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