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Find planetary science data from NASA-funded missions and research.

Jupiter's moon Europa.

The Planetary Data System (PDS) archives planetary data products from NASA's planetary missions, ground-based studies, and laboratory experiments.

Artist's impression of the asteroid Psyche.

The Astromaterials Data System (Astromat) is an open archive for accessing, publishing, and preserving analytical laboratory data from planetary samples.

Artist's impression of the Perseverance Rover casting off its spacecraft's cruise stage.

The NASA Space Sciences Data Coordinated Archive (NSSDCA) collects data and mission information for all of NASA’s space science efforts, including planetary science.

Discover tools to help you visualize and use planetary science data.

Color-shaded relief map of the Western Crisium Kipuka on the Moon.
Astrogeology Cloud Processing

The Planetary Data System (PDS) Astrogeology Cloud Processing tools help users process planetary images into calibrated cartographic output for scientific investigations, geologic mapping, and other applications.

A selfie taken by the Curiosity Rover on Mars.
PDS Analyst's Notebook

The NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Analyst's Notebook is a web application that allows users to explore planetary data from NASA Mars and lunar lander missions.

Artist's concept of the Europa Clipper mission.

Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS3) is an image processing software package for making use of imagery collected by NASA planetary missions.

Planetary Data Resources

Get involved in the planetary community, build your planetary data analysis and software skills, and discover funding opportunities for your planetary science research.

Earth Atlantic Ocean America east coast
Satern rings and satalite
Satellite view of earth
Solar System

Search for NASA Science Data

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) provides web tools to search across all of NASA’s science data, publications, software, and resources.

Science Discovery Engine

An integrated search platform to help you find what you need across NASA’s vast stores of open science data, documentation, code, and tools.

Science Explorer (SciX)

A digital library portal for scientific publications and software related to astronomy, Earth science, heliophysics, physics, and planetary science.